What You Didn’t Know About Quartz Countertop Designs

What You Didn’t Know About Quartz Countertop Designs

Quartz is a trendy material for the design and installation of sturdy, beautiful, stain-resistant, durable countertops in a large variety of colors. These countertop slabs are obtained through a very different process from that used in other natural stones. Quartz slabs are built from well-engineered stone, as can be evidenced in any quartz countertops gallery. The quartz slabs are created from small particles of stone bound tightly together using high-quality resins of a plastic nature. Let’s focus on some unusual and less known properties of quartz countertops.

 What to look out for when using

Before we delve into the lesser-known properties of quartz, it is only right to consider why quartz may not be the right solution for your new countertop design.

  • Appearance

It is possible to mold and blend quartz to make it look like natural stone, but the material will never really achieve the look of natural slabs. The joining of countertop slabs together means that seams will be evident inside the material of the slabs. It is, however, possible to mask the seams using dark colors efficiently.

  • Exposure to sunlight

Extended exposure of quartz slabs to sunlight can lead to discoloration in the long term. Excessive and ongoing exposure to heat sources can also be a source of damage to granite countertops.

  • Value

Granite countertops add unmatched value to a kitchen when compared to quartz. The range of colors and patterns possible in quartz countertop slabs is also somewhat limited due to the manufacturing process. In contrast, you can obtain a virtually unlimited number of colors and designs in countertops made from natural stone.

  • Cost

A majority of quartz countertop manufacturers tend to use the same procedure to create their finishes, involving small quartz crystals being mixed with coloring and thick resins. Once done, the entire mix is added to a mold where heat and pressure are applied and air removed. The finished slabs are very durable, smooth, and molded. This process also increases the price of quartz countertops.

Unknown facts about quartz

  • All countertops made from quartz come from a single source

The first company to engineer stone slabs was Breton Company in 1963, and they even trademarked the procedure. Pulverized stones are mixed with polymers while heating and shaping them, eliminating air in the process. Each company adds its unique elements to quartz design to make its resulting slabs as attractive as possible, e.g., adding glass, brass filings, etc.

  • Quartz countertops are really green

The fact is, roughly 90% of stone materials used in creating countertops are obtained from waste from other quarrying processes. There is no single natural stone quarried for the explicit purpose of use in quartz countertops.

  • Quartz is no longer a competitor to granite

These days, clients have moved away from quartz designs that try to mimic the look for natural stones. Buyers prefer quartz surfaces that are unique and unlike any other slab finishes. A good example of where client tastes lie today is Caesarstone.


Quartz is a brilliant option for durable, attractive, and ultra-modern kitchen countertop designs. Despite its disadvantages, quartz still offers many unique benefits to your home design, including radically raising the value of your home.