How to Identify Influencers in Your Brand

How to Identify Influencers in Your Brand

The idea behind influencer marketing management tool is to get your target audience to talk about your brand and products online by using these influential people as brand ambassadors. Influencers can also help you get your message across by sharing it with their followers, who may not know about your brand yet but are interested in what the influencers have to say about it.

However, identifying the right influencers can be a headache at times. Here is how to go about it:

Identify the Key Hashtags

A hashtag is a keyword or phrase that people use to group together their tweets, Instagram posts and Facebook posts. When you want to identify influencers who are using your brand’s hashtag, you can use hashtags like #influencermarketing, #influencermarketingstrategies and #brandambassadorprogram. Using these hashtags will help you find people who are talking about your industry and your brand.

Use Google Alerts

Google Alerts is another great tool that can help you find influencers in your niche. You can use it by entering different keywords related to your industry and see which websites publish articles related to those keywords regularly. You can then reach out directly to the writers who published these articles and ask them if they would like to collaborate with you on future articles related to those keywords.

Check on Influencer Marketing Platforms

There are a number of platforms designed specifically for finding influencers in various industries like Klout, Buzzsumo and Traackr. These websites allow you to search for influencers based on criteria such as location, number of followers or engagement rate with readership on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Once you have identified an influencer who meets your criteria, it’s time to reach out.

Find Your Target Audience on Social Media

The first step in leveraging social channels is to find your target audience on social media. This will help you identify the influencers who have an engaged following and are likely to share your content. If you’re already using social media, it’s easy to do so by setting up a search query or using a tool like Socialblade or Followerwonk for Twitter and Instagram.

Leveraging Social Channels for Influencer Marketing

Once you've identified potential influencers, it's time to start building relationships with them through social channels. This might involve sending them emails, posting comments on their blog posts or sharing their content on social media networks like Facebook or Twitter.

You can do this by using a variety of social media platforms. The following are some examples:

Facebook Ads Manager – The best way to find your target audience is through Facebook ads. This tool allows you to target specific demographics, locations and interests using keywords. You can also create multiple ads for each audience segment and measure which ads perform best through the Facebook Ad Manager.

Instagram Insights – Instagram Insights gives you an overview of the demographics of your followers and those who engage with your posts most often, as well as insights about their interests and behaviors so you know where they spend their time online (and perhaps offline).


When you're trying to identify influencers for your brand, there are a few tips and tricks you can use to find the perfect match. You'll want to start with identifying your brand goals and target audience, before looking at specific metrics including reach and growth potential. And take into consideration the communication styles of your influencers as well—make sure they align with the way your brand likes to communicate. In short: do some research, find influencers whose values align with those of your company, and make sure they're great fits in terms of metrics and communication styles.